

Surface Nano-Engineering(纳米材料在表面技术上的应用)
发布时间:2018-11-12 08:16 来源: 点击率:

报告题目:Surface Nano-Engineering(纳米材料在表面技术上的应用)

报告人:新西兰皇家科学院与工程院院士 高唯 教授


时间:2018年11月12日 星期一  9:00-11:30



Dr Wei Gao is a Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Auckland, Fellow of the Royal Society NZ and Fellow of Engineering NZ. Received his PhD degree from Oxford University UK, he worked at MIT, USA for 5 years as a Research Associate. His active research covers Nanomaterials and coatings, Electronic and energy materials, Corrosion and oxidation, and Photocatalysis. He has 800 scientific publications including 500 journal papers, and received a number of prestigious awards, including “Officer of New Zealand Merit”, “Scott Medal”, “James Cook Award”, “Shorland Medal” and “Distinguished Materials Scientist of China”.